Altera / Intel

Altera / Intel

Intel® programmable solutions (formerly Altera®) enable designers of electronic systems to rapidly and cost effectively innovate, differentiate and win in their markets. Intel offers FPGAs, SoCs, CPLDs, and complementary technologies, such as power solutions, to provide high-value solutions to customers worldwide.

Altera / Intel Latest Products

  • Altera / Intel
    Accelerator Cards Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005 for Data Center
  • Altera / Intel
    Development Software Embedded IP Suite MegaCore
  • Altera / Intel
    Development Software Quartus Prime Pro Edition Float. Includes subscription software updates for both Standard and Pro Editions for one year.
  • Altera / Intel
    Development Software Renew Quartus Prime Standard Edition - Fixed node subscription product for one year. Includes updates for one year.
  • Altera / Intel
    Development Software Renew Quartus Prime Pro Edition Float. Includes subscription software updates for one year.