Pro-Wave Electronics

Pro-Wave Electronics

Pro-Wave Electronics Corporation is a pioneering manufacturer of a variety of ultrasonic transducers that couple to an array of media. The company’s expertise includes the ability to supply low- and high-output powered transducers in piezoelectric ceramic, polymer and electrostatic configurations. Utilizing extensive experience in the field, Pro-Wave Electronics provides a total ultrasonic solution, from the selection of sensor materials, transducer design and development, analog and digital circuit designs to software development.

Pro-Wave Electronics 最新产品

  • Pro-Wave Electronics
    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers Transformer matched for 400EP14D
  • Pro-Wave Electronics
    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers Transformer matched for 125SR250B/200GE180/235SR130
  • Pro-Wave Electronics
    Liquid Level Sensors Ultrasonic Liquid Sensor Output:UART Passive
  • Pro-Wave Electronics
    Liquid Level Sensors Ultrasonic Liquid Sensor Output:UART Active
  • Pro-Wave Electronics
    Liquid Level Sensors Ultrasonic Liquid Sensor Output:TTL